Emily Elrod
Special guest
Emily’s research interests are situated around teacher preparation and professional development of K-12 pre-service and in-service teachers of mathematics
Emily Elrod has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 22: Interventions, Tools, and Equity-Oriented Resources in the MTE Journal
December 13th, 2020 | Season 6 | 24 mins 9 secs
The Mathematics Teacher Educator journal is co-sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. In June, both organizations released statements that call for mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) to “engage in anti-racist and trauma-informed education in our daily practices as processes of learning and adjustments” (NCTM, 2020) and to “actively work to be anti-racist in our acts of teaching, research, and service” (AMTE, 2020). This editorial highlights equity-related interventions and tools that can be implemented by MTEs. We reiterate statements made by NCTM and AMTE, describe key features of interventions and tools, and share equity-related resources published in the journal for MTEs to use with teachers.