Sara Birkhead
Special guest
Sara Birkhead has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 32: Developing an Asset-Based View of Students’ Mathematical Competencies Through Learning Trajectory-Based Lesson Study
December 15th, 2021 | Season 8 | 33 mins 37 secs
equity and diversity; learning trajectories (or progressions); teacher education—in-service/professional development; geometry and geometrical and spatial thinking
This article details the design and implementation of a professional development model called Learning Trajectory-Based Lesson Study focused on issues of equity, identity, and agency. We developed the Vertical Articulation to Unpack the Learning Trajectory (VAULT) tool to orient teachers’ instructional planning toward an asset-based view of students’ mathematics competencies. We examined teachers’ use of the VAULT to plan, implement, and debrief on student strategies for one spatial reasoning task in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. The VAULT facilitated intentional planning for a progression of anticipated strategies and equitable access to instruction. Teachers demonstrated an asset-based view of all student thinking independent of grade-level expectations.